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Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha is composer, pianist, conductor, pedagogue, linguist, writer, actress, painter and sound director; laureate of national and international competitions and festivals, member/chairman of the jury, participant and organizer of competitions and festivals.

Natalia is a member of the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Moldova, a member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, a Board member of the Center for Russian Science and Culture, a Board member of the International Alliance for Women in Music (USA), a member of the American Composers Forum, a Collaborative Composer and Artist of the MusiCaribe Project International (USA), the President of the Guild of Young Art Creators. 

Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha graduated with a Master's Degrees from the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts and from the Institute of International Relations of Moldova.
She is a laureate of international competitions such as the International Competition of Scores, organized by the Orchestra Unleashed (USA, California, Hollywood), the Polish Competition of Composers “A. Mickiewicz”, conducted by the Polish Embassy and the Polish Society in Moldova, the Composer Competitions, organized by the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Moldova in categories “Chamber Music” and “Symphonic Works” and many others. Natalia takes an active part in international festivals: the International Festival of Contemporary Music “Music Marine Fest” (Ukraine, Odessa) and “The Days of New Music” (Moldova, Chisinau), the Children's Film Festival "World through the Eyes of Children" as chairman of the jury.

Natalia’s creativity covers many genres and forms of both Art Music (ensemble, orchestral, choral) and Electronic Studio Music. She also works in such directions as theater performances, television shows, film music and has received international award for the soundtrack for the Short Film "I Am Me".

There are many newspaper and magazine articles about Natalia's creativity, as well as TV programs. Her music is performed live and aired on radio stations around the world: in the USA, Canada, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Africa. Natalia's activities are featured on the New Music USA website, on the official Donne: Women in Music - Drama Musica website (UK, London) along with the most famous women composers and she was selected as the Composer of the Week, on the website of the International Alliance for Women in Music and many others. Natalia was also presented by the WFCF Radio Station as the Featured Composer (Florida, USA).
Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha is a Collaborative Composer and Artist of the MusiCaribe Project International.

Natalia's working principle and her artistic position are characterized by high professionalism, polystylism, innovation and cultural enlightenment.



Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha was born January 23rd, 1982 in Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova.

Father – Vadim Rojcovschi (1936-1998) was a writer, playwright, interpreter, journalist, theatre critic and pedagogue. He worked at the film studio “Moldova-Film” and in Russian Drama Theatre “Anton Chekhov” as a literary director.

Mother –Valentina Rojcovscaia is an artistic director of the Theatre Union of Children of Moldova “Globe” and the director of the Сhildren Music and Drama Theatre “Globe”.

Brother – Stepan Rojcovschi is a film director. He is a graduate of the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors of the Russian Federation (Moscow), the studio of Vladimir Menshov.

Since childhood, Natalia has been played in the Theatre “Globe” (performances – “Lesson of fine literature”, “The Snow Queen”, “Hour of Fun”, “Word about Yesenin”, etc.). She has performed at various venues, including the stage of Dramatic Theatre “A. P. Chekhov” on city events and theatre festivals in Moldova and Ukraine.

At 13 years old Natalia was the leading of radio transmission “Pyramid” on “Teleradio-Moldova”.

She graduated from the Art School “A. Shchusev”. She participated in many art exhibitions - two of which were private. Several of her works have been published.

Seven years since 1987 Natalia studied in the Music School “E. Doga” at the class of piano, prof. L. I. Kalinovskaya. During this time, she played as a pianist and actress in the Musical and Theatrical Salons: “Heart of the Poet” (on the works of Edward Grieg and H. Ch. Andersen), “Chaikovsky and Children”, “The sublime and earthly” (on creativity by      V. A. Mozart), directed by V. Rojcovscaia.

Natalia is a pianist-diplomate of the national Young Performers Competition, organized by the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Moldova.

From 9 years old she began to compose music. Her first teacher of composition was the composer O. Negruta.


In  1996,   after  graduating  with  honors  from  the  School  of  Music,   Natalia  entered  the  Music  Lyceum  “S. Rachmaninoff”  on  the  department  of  composition.        Her professors were M. Afanasyev, T. Tushmalova, A. Strezeva, V. Prostakova.

After graduation of the Lyceum Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha passed the baccalaureate examinations and entered the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts at the composer department. Her professors were composers V. Zagorskii and V. Cholak.

In 2007 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha defended her Diploma of Master Higher Education.

After receiving of higher education, Natalia had an advanced course with the composer and politician Gh. Chobanu, ex-President of the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Moldova and former Minister of Culture of Moldova.

In July 2007 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha took part in the II-nd International Festival of Contemporary Music “Music Marine Fest” (Ukraine, Odessa).

Since 2008 Natalia takes part annually in the International Festival of Contemporary Music “Zilele Muzicii Noi” (The Days of New Music”) in Chisinau city.

Since 2008 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha is a member of the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Moldova.

In 2009 she was the laureate of the National Composers Competition “A. Mickiewicz”, conducted by the Polish Embassy and the Polish society in the Republic of Moldova.

In 2010 and 2011 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha twice received the diploma in internal composer competitions, organized by the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Moldova in categories “Chamber Music” and “Symphonic Works”.

In 2010 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha was one of the winners of the International Composers’ Competition, organized by the orchestra The Orchestra Unleashed (USA, California, Hollywood). On September 11th, 12th of the same year, in the “El Portal” Theatre, passed two concerts, which was filled with her music. 

In 2017 Natalia graduated with a Master's Degree in translation–interpretation of English from Institute of International Relations of Moldova.

In 2018 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha won a grant from the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe Erasmus +. In the fall of 2019, Natalia was invited to teach at A. Steffani Conservatoire, Castelfranco Veneto, Italia, faculty of Teoria e Analisi, Composizione e Direzione

In January 2019, Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha became a member of the International Alliance for Women in Music and since October of this year she became a Board member of the IAWM.

Natalia joined the Composers Union of the Russian Federation on July 4, 2019.

Since the spring of 2019 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha is the founder and President of the Guild of Young Art Creators.

In December 2019, Natalia was honored to join the American Composers Forum.

In September 2020, Natalia became the Collaborative Composer and Artist of the MusiCaribe Project International.

Today, the music by composer Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha sounds on the air of radio stations around the world: the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Africa, Moldova and others.

From  2000  till  present  Natalia  works  as  a  composer,  interpreter,  and  pedagogue  in  the  Theatre  Union  of  Children  of  Moldova  "Globe"  and  in  her  author's project  MusicEnglish  Club.


In 2008 Natalia founded the recording studio "Music Studio" on the basis of the TUCM "Globe", where she became a composer, arranger and sound director. Then this studio grew into a Music Studio "Microcosm".


Since 2016 Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha is a composer and pedagogue in the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of Moldova.


Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha’s creativity covers many genres and forms of both Art Music (ensemble, orchestral, major choral, musical and dramatic) and Electronic Studio Music.

There are many publications on her composer and scientific activities: “Synthesis of Music Programs in the Works by Composer Natalia Rojcovscaia” (Mihaela Rusu), “Modern Syncretism in the Framework of the Festival ”Days of New Music” (Valeria Barbas), “Rojcovschii Dynasty” (Ludmila Alexei), an article on the new achievements of Natalia was published in the news section of the Journal of the International Alliance for Women in Music and others.

Many documentaries, television programs and interviews with Natalia were shot, where she was presented in the role of composer, pianist and actress of the Сhildren Music and Drama Theatre “Globe”. Recently Natalia was invited to Moscow to take part in the filming of the M. Kazinik's documentary about new, progressive teaching methods “The School of Nobel Laureates”.

Natalia's artwork was published in the magazines of Moldova and Germany.

A number of her articles have been published, such as “ArtWay is a Universal Method for the Future” in the newspaper "Russian Word", “The Impact of Contemporary Art and Music Tendencies on Education in the European Union”, “About W. Shakespeare and His Play “The Tempest” in My Creative Life”, “Intercultural Communication” and etc.

Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha also works in such areas as film music, music for television programs, and theater performances.


In addition, Natalia has written extensive musicological researches on the little-studied themes about the Opera Libretto and World Music Terminology (musical and linguistic work).

Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha actively takes part in seminars, conferences, workshops, master classes, competitive and examination judging, various creative, scientific and educational projects.

She is the author of the ArtWay method of learning English through the Musical Art, as well as new methods of teaching musical-theoretical disciplines in synthesis with the exact sciences, philosophy, literature, etc., which she successfully applies in her practice.


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