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In the beginning was... the Sound, and the Sound was with God, and the Sound was God.

Writer's picture: Natalia Rojcovscaia-TumahaNatalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

Music has been a feature of every known human society—anthropologists and sociologists have yet to find a single culture throughout the course of human history that has not had music. In fact, many evolutionary psychologists today make the argument that music predated language. Primitive tribes and religious practices have used music to reach enlightened states for thousands of years, and Pythagoras used music to heal different psychological and physical ailments. Currently, cutting-edge scientific research has shown the effect that music has on the brain, the individual, and society.

Not only does music reach us on intellectual, social, and emotional levels, but many describe it as spiritual or mystical. The use of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic devices in music can induce a psychological state in both the musicians and the listener that is beyond words to describe. Music can bring us back to ourselves, be our mirror, and show us a side of us we may have long forgotten or never knew existed.

Fundamentally, music is a combination of sounds, and sound is vibration. One of the most succinct definitions of music comes from the Italian composer Ferruccio Busoni, who said that, “Music is sonorous air.” And everything in the world has a vibrational nature. So music is paramount and primary in the universe. And in the beginning, before the word, was a Sound. Because the word consists of syllables, and syllables from letters, and letters from sounds. And sounds is the life-giving breath of God...

Learning Music is a lot like learning a language. But It is something more and farther than words! The music is so perfect that it hides all the laws of the universe. And people only open and open its boundless meanings, qualities and possibilities. Real high music is the highest of the arts. It purifies us, elevates, fills the true spiritual values, inspiring, healing and gives insight into life.

Music also does have the power to evoke deep primal feelings. It not only crosses cultures, it also reaches deep into our evolutionary past. And it that sense, music truly is the universal language of humanity.

And the language can explain a lot of what is happening in the music. Language is a guide to the mysterious world of music.

Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha

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